lawyers letters

948 days ago

Eden Research interims scarred by Covid, Brexit and that fecker Tom Winnifrith

For 17 years I have been pointing out the lies and frauds committed by Eden Research (EDEN). I could paper my bedroom with the lawyers letters it and its partner in crime 3DM (now in administration, having blown £65 million of other folks cash, sent me). I could paper another few rooms with the online harassment I received from the 3Dimmers, whipped up by shamed promoters Old Mother Mike Walters and Johnny “the Rat” Townsend. Here we are and I am still on the case although how the regulators have allowed this farce to continue for so long really does cause me to despair. Retained losses now stand at £40 million!


1289 days ago

“Professional journalist” Ramsha Khan threatens to sue this Israel supporter for libel, showing how truly worthless is her degree and then....

Last month, Ramsha Khan tweeted that having graduated from City University’s journalism course she was “now a professional journalist”. That prompted me to write an article saying how after 30 years of writing for a living, getting lawyers’ letters, death threats, buckets of online trolling and harassment etc, I guess with no degree I was not by this definition a “professional journalist”. Nor was my late uncle Christopher Booker. His Cambridge degree was in history, mine something worthless from Oxford. Neither of us was taught how to be a journalist in a degree course. It seems Ramsha is upset and has sent a threatening email this morning which, naturally, I publish in full below:



2208 days ago

Purplebricks expose lined up for UK INvestor - Chris Wood not scared by legal threats & joins the speaker line up

Cornish Estate Agent Chris Wood has exposed numerous of the sharpish practices employed by Purplebricks (PURP) on his own blog and we have republished his incredibly detailed analysis HERE. For his troubles Purplebricks has on several occasions sent him stiff lawyers letters in an attempt to gag him. Now he will blow the lid on much more as our final speaker at UK INvestor Show on Saturday.


2327 days ago

Purplebricks - AllAgents stands up to fascist lawyers letters and starts publishing real reviews again... and they are damning

Bravo The leading independent review site of Estate Agents is ignoring fascist lawyers letters from Purplebricks (PURP) and has just re-started publishing reviews of the crummy online estate agent, good and bad. Natch Purplebricks is still insisting that the reviews are bogus without providing any evidence at all and boy are some of the reviews bad as you can see below. In the end companies offering a socking service will - however much they spend on TV advertising - go under. Purplebricks shares remain a stonking sell.


2417 days ago

BREAKING: Purplebricks fascist lawyers letters backfire as it's blocked from

With 300,000 reviews, is the UK's largest independent site for independent reviews of Estate Agents by Customers. It has just taken the unprecedented step of not allowing Purplebricks (PURP) reviews because the AIM listed company was trying to "game" the system by using fascist lawyers letters. That tactic has now backfired in a spectacular fashion.


2906 days ago

Environmental Recycling - New Direction Discussions End, now surely time to talk to the administrator

Back on 30 October 2015 long suffering shareholders in Environmental Recycling (ENRT) were promised a change of direction, a new beginning. Having seen its shares plunge from 150p, when it sent me a barrage of lawyers letters for pointing out that it was a total fraud back in 2005, to just 0.05p today the punters must have had some hope at last. But today Environmental ( formerly 3DM) fessed up. As disgraced Michael Walters who has tipped this piece of Turkish for 14 years and who told his readers to report me to the FSA for exposing the fraud, would say "oh dear, oh dear".


3028 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 16 January - Daniel Stewart & Eden Research the end game is zero - fraud does not pay

A detailed look at two companies, a history of fraud, panama pumps, bully boy lawyers letters and horiffic cashburn at Daniel Stewart (DAN) and Eden Research (EDEN). The end game is always zero. Warning: this podcast contains bad language


3046 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast New Year's Eve - HNY, Pete Landau in the dock, Lenigas boiler room play Inspirit in the shit

Happy New Year to you all, I hope that you have a wild party tonight. Remember kids, if someone tries to sell you drugs just say no. You should always try to get drugs for free. Only kidding.  Thanks to today's news about Pirate Pete Landau I am in a good mood. You send the Sheriff of AIM lawyers letters and karma is going to get you in the end. My good mood is compounded by diabolical interims from the David Lenigas boiler room operation Inspirit (INSP). It really is in the merde. I discuss companies that leave it to the wire to report.


3046 days ago

Happy Christmas - Peter Landau of Range Resources infamy has assets frozen in Australia

Oh happy days, oh happy days. This may be a small crumb of comfort for investors in Range Resources (RRL) or Black Mountain Silver (BMZ) but Pirate Pete Landau has had his assets frozen in Australia by the Federal Court in Perth. As I remind myself of the numerous lawyers letters I received for exposing Range and our great work on exposing Black Mountain I feel it is almost ouzo o'clock already.


3300 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast - Farewell Peter Landau edition

He sent me a string of lawyers letters but today Peter Landau lost his last AIM directorship as Black Mountain was booted off the casino. Hooray. Coke & Hookers for myself and Oakley tonight.  I look at three other companies that may well go the same way, Insetco, Daniel Stewart and Gate Ventures and how the issue of Nomad resignation works. I also look at Advanced Oncotherapy, Torotrak and discuss when Uk Investor Show videos will start to appear - we will start very soon with a Horse Hill treat. PS You still have until 4.30 PM TODAY to enter the UK Investor Greek Hovel prize draw HERE


3311 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Horse Hill & Breaking snippets on Igas & Gate

Today's podcast has to start with the runners and riders in the great Horse Hill stakes. After today's news are the shares still cheap or a stonking short. I move on to hot rumours about Igas and to a taster of what is to come on Gate Ventures. It is then onto Afren, Daniel Stewart and a return to old fave ( and sender of snotty lawyers letters) Globo


3443 days ago

Another TWO bullyboy lawyer’s letters from Cannacord – boy they are ashamed about Quindell

We have received not one but two MORE bullyboy lawyers letters from Canaccord. The adviser to Quenron’s abortive move to the main market and until last week co-broker to the fraud that is Quindell does not even want us to quote from its recent volte face note on Quenron. You will no doubt have seen Canaccord notes on other matters quoted verbatim widely all over the media. So why is it so ashamed of this research report?

You will remember that on 21st October Canaccord published a note advising folk to buy Quindell with a 362p target. But last week it withdrew its recommendation and forecasts. It warned of major goodwill and accrual writedowns and raised concerns about the working capital position. In essence it appears to now agree with much of what I have been saying for months.

Canaccord argues we are breaching copyright.

One defence is the public interest and you might ask Canaccord the following questions:
